Cumulate in a sentence as a verb

I make that a cumulate of about 20k years of time spent on reddit this last year...

All of these cumulate as screen time, and it easily goes up to 10~15h a day in total.

People like the "freeters" cumulate several of these jobs to earn a decent monthly wage.

If you cumulate up to 50 years, 10% or so need hospitalization and 2% need critical care.

Without a compass, it seems like this would cumulate error in less than a mile that would make it useless for navigation.

There are also bilateral agreements between Japan and other countries regarding pension, and how the years you paid in both can cumulate.

... This paper is an attempt to cumulate in one document some principles of information system design and planning.

A turn or two of one wheel would make the doll point in the opposite direction, yet driving over rough terrain for a mile would cumulate at least a few turns difference.

You would need different sets of stock for different dividends and you don't necessarily have records of the cumulate ownership of individual owners.

I think the test might be easier for non-natives speaking european native languages, as they cumulate etymological understanding from several languages.

These and other data are summarized to illustrate how the advantages of higher g, even when they are small, cumulate to affect the overall life chances of individuals at different ranges of the IQ bell curve.

Economic activity is... [determined] by individual transactions that are too small to foresee, and these small 'random' events could [ac]cumulate and become magnified by positive feedbacks over time.

Cumulate definitions


collect or gather; "Journals are accumulating in my office"; "The work keeps piling up"

See also: accumulate conglomerate gather amass