Crybaby in a sentence as a noun

" it wouldn't be correct to say "do not be a crybaby.

In cases of discrimination, you are labeled a crybaby so it's better to just stay quite.

This article is pure crybaby ******** PR about a nonexistent problem.

Then I saw it and I thought "damn, what a cheap, crybaby, attention ***** move".Freshdesk is playing dirty all while trying to convince us that it's the other guys that are playing dirty.

The first sentence indicated that the original posted might not have complained enough while the "Stop the crybaby nonsense" indicates that he in fact was complaining too much.

Shouldn't our elected representatives patiently explain the economics to the crybaby corporations, and then politely tell them to go pound sand?This is a control issue, plain and simple.

" It's a total crock, not "basic human psychology".Hateful people don't care that they're the minority; they'll type in all-caps, call you a crybaby, show up with their guns out for all to see, call you sheeple and claim their truth is the real truth regardless of their numbers.

So the whole argument is fundamentally flawed to begin with - any time I see some pundit or CEO complaining about how the competition is making things cheaper, I go "Uhhuh, crybaby".But when it comes to cellphones, it's not just a flawed argument, it's doubly stupid.

Crybaby definitions


a person who lacks confidence, is irresolute and wishy-washy

See also: wimp chicken


a person given to excessive complaints and crying and whining

See also: whiner complainer moaner sniveller bellyacher grumbler squawker