Complainer in a sentence as a noun

Just a post being a typical HN complainer about how since it's not perfect it won't work.

But if someone gets a benefit that the complainer also gets, they would probably be ok with it.

The standard response when this is brought up is to insinuate the complainer is antisocial.

Two factor authentication would help here, and MtGox does appear to offer this - the complainer just didn't use it.

"I resolve to recognize that a complaint reveals more about the complainer than the complained-about.

Forwarding the complaint itself is normal, forwarding the identity of the complainer?

Yet, and there's the rub, rape and violence groups were allowed to run unimpeded and reports were generally ignored when they didn't lead to the complainer being blocked.

Then she got a reputation for being hard to work with and a complainer - because she had the temerity to be pissed about the blatant discrimination.

Then, once you've got a concept that is workable and has a large enough potential market, try to convince your complainer-soon-to-be-customer to become your pilot partner.

If you investigate these disputes, invariably the complainer actually did do it a little bit wrong, or at least there is a legitimate difference of opinion.

Complainer definitions


a person given to excessive complaints and crying and whining

See also: whiner moaner sniveller crybaby bellyacher grumbler squawker