Crusted in a sentence as an adjective

It would get so crusted up so fast that you'd have to get a windshield scraper to clean it.

I would rather get fired over a crusted fuse than live with being responsible for a death.

But the worst thing was between his legs, where nothing remained but a crusted brown hole crawling with maggots.

20 years ago the roof-rack was crusted with insects after each trip on the autobahn.

In blazing noon from sunrise to sunset you walked your acres of shallow tanks crusted with algae.

OP is arguing that if you got mud on your hand and tried to clean it with dry paper, there will still be crusted mud on your hand.

The second tracks were made through the dry sand into the moist layer which was then crusted over with calcite and covered.

From my childhood they were as intertwined as the peanut butter and jelly on a de-crusted wonder bread.

They're just the kinda tough to chew, bendy crusted thing that you get whenever you try to make one in England or the United States.

They are usually not as thin-crusted as Italian-style pizzas are, and they usually have more cheese and toppings.

Nah, you need a multi-million dollar exit for that kind of diamond-crusted iPhone silliness.

From what I understand, 'legend' means there is a kernel of history there, but it's been so crusted over with stories that it's impossible to recover.

Really like that coda, very familiar with folks who've crusted over and become curmudgeons and have also experienced young people so smart that their new imagining of the wheel will be much better than the status quo. I encourage folks to stay curious, ask questions, listen to the answers.

An evil smell, faint and foul as the light, curled upwards sluggishly out of the canisters and from the stale crusted dung.>> Creatures were in the field: one, three, six: creatures were moving in the field, hither and thither.

Along with the tampon-and-poo bucket, the final defacation of the former resident in the sweat-crusted outline on the green velvet couch where the they had spent their final moments is still a vivid memory.

“The $100,000 person in Alabama does more visible consumption than the $100,000 person in Massachusetts.” That’s why a diamond-crusted Rolex screams “nouveau riche.” It signals that the owner came from a poor group and has something to prove.

The Snow Man is quite good: One must have a mind of winter To regard the frost and the boughs Of the pine-trees crusted with snow; And have been cold a long time To behold the junipers shagged with ice, The spruces rough in the distant glitter Of the January sun; and not to think Of any misery in the sound of the wind, In the sound of a few leaves, Which is the sound of the land Full of the same wind That is blowing in the same bare place For the listener, who listens in the snow, And, nothing himself, beholds Nothing that is not there and the nothing that is.

Crusted definitions


having a hardened crust as a covering

See also: encrusted crusty crustlike