Crocked in a sentence as an adjective

But it has to solve privacy, cover cost of wrong items and never ship crocked fakes.

As the author of the article said, it's easier to rely on software bugs than to ship a crocked piece of hardware like this.

I don’t want a state actor installing a crocked module and use it to break the phone’s security.

If you look longer term the 1999 is just a small blip, so what if bitcoin crashes, bitcoin will replace banks, which are crocked and make money out of nothing.

You could change history to make it appear as if your crocked code was always there or had been for a long time, but then you don't have to figure just one hash, then you have to figure every single hash down to the parent.

But the literal term "fractional reserve" is certainly suggestive of what both a standard modern bank does and what a crocked bitcoin exchange could do - only keep a small amount of money to satisfy inflows and outflows while doing something else with the rest of the money entrusted with it.

Crocked definitions