Blotto in a sentence as an adjective

Sounds a lot like "blotto", which is the last state I want my DB in.

Wait, so this link isn't to a parable about a former school bus driver who "loves to get blotto" becoming an Uber driver?

They had to shut it down because after the race everybody would get blotto and trash the town, that and insurance costs I believe.

The club is renowned for two things the wealth of its members and getting absolutely blotto and smashing up the property.

Off the top of my head: 'bladdered', 'blotto', 'hammered', 'pie-eyed', 'pissed as a newt', 'ratted', 'sloshed', 'squiffy', 'sozzled', 'trollied', 'wasted', 'wellied'These typically result from a night 'on the lash' or 'on the ****',

Blotto definitions