Couscous in a sentence as a noun

In a pinch, don't even need to boil the water, just put water and couscous in a bowl.

I had to go buy some caraway to make a tabil spice blend for a fennel couscous.

But compared with the usual suspect of dinner alternatives like pasta or couscous it's just the same.

Add a cup of chicken stock, roughly enough to cover the couscous along with some salt and pepper, cover the bowl and let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes.

I was able to bring it down 50 points, to 130, by walking vigorously for 1/2 hour.> What about other forms of wheat products like semolina, couscous, etc?

Did anyone who really cooks use this?This is, in fact, exactly the way I cook: "I want to make something with couscous and feta cheese", or "I want to make something with pasta and chicken".

I'm glad that I didn't have to scroll too far to find someone raising the environmental question.. I think the problem here is delivery/containersI live not too far from a very good couscous restaurant, and the tradition among the maghrebi matriarchs is to come to get takeaway with their own pots.

Couscous definitions


a spicy dish that originated in northern Africa; consists of pasta steamed with a meat and vegetable stew


a pasta made in northern Africa of crushed and steamed semolina