Cosmology in a sentence as a noun

In cosmology, a four-year embargo period for Planck was ended just this summer.

Ironically, on HN, that kind of title will get people interested in cosmology to click and they'll start out irritated at the misleading title.

> What fills that vacuum?Religion is a cultural construct to address certain issues like morality, cosmology, etc.

"A number of years ago I became aware of the large number of physics enthusiasts out there who have no venue to learn modern physics and cosmology.

It had further mentioned that even in aboriginal people who don't know much about modern cosmology, they still have a theory of some sort to signify the origin of world.

Same goes for cosmology -- utterly fascinated by the outputs, but didn't really understand the actual mechanisms thereof.

Firstly, neither string theory or "gravity leakage" or more than 4 dimensions of space-time are even remotely accepted theories in physics or cosmology.

".In complete seriousness, I hope a time comes eventually where cosmology has advanced to a point where we have a measurement of current time relative to the Big Bang accurate to the nano second.

So during the trip, I used fractal and cosmology images and videos as an emotional "anchor" -- grounding the trip in material I already loved and was comfortable with / fascinated by.

Macroeconomics can, via some stretching of the perfect-markets hypothesis, be transformed into this almost-Calvinist cosmology, where the virtuous labourers will be blessed with an eventual retirement, and the sinful free-loaders will be punished with the sin of contentment.

I then surrounded those materials with more mathematically technical videos, images, and texts about fractals & cosmology -- the things I traditionally would have shied away from as too mathematical for me to understand; and finally, surrounding that material, I spread out the quite trivial mathematics I was struggling with at the time -- textbooks, homework assignments, etc.

I was looking through the site and I wasn't able to find any examples of a place where EU makes a correct quantitative prediction about some phenomenon where conventional cosmology is unable to?Also, how would you use EU to quantitatively predict how the orbits of planets diverge from what Kepler's laws would predict, or how the time measurements aboard GPS satellites diverge from clocks on the ground?

Cosmology definitions


the metaphysical study of the origin and nature of the universe


the branch of astrophysics that studies the origin and evolution and structure of the universe

See also: cosmogony cosmogeny