Corrupting in a sentence as an adjective

It always amuses me the way people treat C++ like it's some kind of dark, corrupting magic that no right thinking person would use.

Certainly a lesson in there somewhere about hubris and corrupting influence of power etc.

We've switched from corrupting a somewhat honest system for your own purposes to paying off a somewhat corrupt system in order to be left alone.

Hollywood is a corrupting evil in our technical, legal and political systems and should be shunned, not accommodated, as much as possible.

Failure to write error-handling code will not result in an operation proceeding in an invalid state, deceptively reporting success, or silently corrupting state.

We hijacked for ourselves a venture-backed company and are experimenting with a symbiotic relationship where both the project and the business win without corrupting each other.

Well seeing as how the final boss is Skrillex and you have to defeat him while he throws the corrupted cubes at you, I'd say yes they do represent his music, which is "corrupting the world".It is tongue in cheek and that is part of the charm.

If you are already trusting a cloud service with your data why not go one step further and use bitbucket for free private repos?You don't have the possibility of corrupting your repo with an unsynced commit from a differennt machine.

When you examine the topic at a level beyond "it's theft", you may conclude that imaginary property is unsustainable in a world with private communications, decide privacy is the more worthy goal, and view those corrupting justice to preserve dying business models as the crooks.

When will they understand that free markets are not natural phenomena but the artificial creation of governments for the benefit of society and subject to the corrupting influences of market participants which turn most free markets into cartels without the pressure of regulation holding it back?

Followers of Rand, in particular, believe that only a blind reliance on market forces and the narrowest conception of self interest can steer us collectively toward the best civilization possible and that any attempt to impose wisdom or compassion from the topno matter who is at the top and no matter what the needis necessarily corrupting of the whole enterprise.

Corrupting definitions


seducing into corrupt practices


harmful to the mind or morals; "corrupt judges and their corrupting influence"; "the vicious and degrading cult of violence"

See also: degrading


that infects or taints

See also: contaminating