Corresponding in a sentence as an adjective

If it's a company's trademark, fine -- let them buy the corresponding TLD.

C also has numerous ones, with corresponding bindings in many languages, glib being one big one.

SQLite stores each row as each column value encoded sequentially corresponding to the declared order of the columns.

It's implemented as a corresponding network of voltages sources and diodes, where the voltage at a point indicates time.

Obviously, there are fair use laws that specify a range of situations in which making a copy doesn't trigger a corresponding obligation to pay.

Basically a large portion of the job was checking though a spreadsheet looking at figures and checking them against a corresponding row in another part of the sheet.

And redirects the user to the corresponding page - and they'll have to keep that JavaScript there forever, since they have nearly two years worth of links that they need to avoid breaking.

I've said this in the corresponding reddit threads in /r/beer and /r/homebrewing, but I've met Jim Koch on multiple occasions in multiple settings, and I've never seen him not hammered.

The way I memorize is to associate every card with an object and its corresponding action, and memorizing the deck of cards is a matter of creating a sequence of events that corresponds to the sequence of cards.

To which a third developer responds indignantly that the "official" workaround for this issue is sufficient and that the user should head over to the corresponding wiki page and improve the workaround description.

The corresponding reddit thread is quite insightful:"It is far cheaper to make one very good chip for the highest market, and modify it slightly for lower end markets...Now, this is the part you hate: this is the only viable alternative.

[edit: The more I stare at this, the more confident I am in this analysis; specifically, the packets that are "about" and "almost exactly" the same size are very deterministic: the packets to/from Apple are precisely 7 bytes larger than the corresponding packets to/from the Chinese server.

Corresponding definitions


accompanying; "all rights carry with them corresponding responsibilities"


similar especially in position or purpose; "a number of corresponding diagonal points"


conforming in every respect; "boxes with corresponding dimensions"; "the like period of the preceding year"

See also: comparable like