Correctness in a sentence as a noun

In the interest of correctness I should point out that the half a million fee is not a fee but a bond.

Yet another tradeoff of time to market vs. correctness.

And, I don't have to check the correctness of the whole function with regards to each intermediate value.

I value correctness and low costs, and only worry about performance when there's a clear business need.

I mean, look at the amount of people around here arguing for readability over correctness.

It made me wonder what other domains are like that -- domains where correctness seems within reach, yet there are subtle aspects that are hard to state.

It's hard to list them all, but by far the nicest feeling is the correctness: when your code compiles, 60% of the time your program works every time.

The fact that this is optional and doesn't change the functionality or correctness of the system is critical.

* A problem is said to be in "NP" if there is an algorithm that takes only polynomial time to check a purported solution for correctness.

Its quite astonishing that so many people here prefer readability over correctness.

Most Europeans must just be laughing and pointing fingers at the insane political correctness in America and more specifically, the hacker community these days.

If you're writing throwaway code for a client with loose constraints and a tight deadline you'll write code differently then you would when you expect to maintain a long term relationship with a client who expects a high degree of correctness.

After some prototyping, I decided to use a 2D camera and deliver the software as an app because I thought wide distribution and ease of use was more important than the fidelity and correctness of the data - ie, the "worse is better" approach.

Plenty of environments have safe/efficient zero-copy chained byte buffer implementations/libraries.> loads of internal consistency checksLibrary correctness isn't a unique feature.> patterns like pub/sub and request/reply, batchingAh-ha!

Wow, what an incredibly dense thing to presuppose and advice others that the idea of data normalisation is antiquated because the primary purpose, when it was "thought of", was to save disk space!Data normalisation is all about correctness - mathematical correctness.

I'm aware of multiple local carpenters and other people in construction businesses, including managing construction businesses, who have varying degrees of punctilious correctness in English writing, but all of them making their reputations and their livings by how they construct buildings, not by how they construct sentences.

Correctness definitions


conformity to fact or truth

See also: rightness


the quality of conformity to social expectations