Corned in a sentence as an adjective

It’s what gives certain meats looked corned beef that distinct “pink” color.

What share of Brazilian beef supply ends up on Wal-Mart shelves as corned beef?

You can find cheap canned Brazilian corned beef at Walmart or pretty much any US dollar store.

Charity which makes money by selling you corned beef in a supermarket

Astronauts responded by smuggling a corned beef sandwich into space. [1] The point of Soylent is to separate the pleasure from eating.

There's a difference between "I don't eat meat" and "I don't like corned beef." Do you ever give people the benefit of the doubt, or do you always exploit omissions in order to paint the other in a negative light?

This usage surives in "corned beef", which refers to granular salt used for preserving the meat, nothing to do with cereal grains." Corn" still refers to multiple cereals in British English; what Americans call "corn" is "maize".

If people were having health problems as a consequence of eating corned beef, I would, as a Jew, have no problem with that condition being called "Jewish Deli Syndrome".

Because from time to time I pass butcher shhops advertising horse meat, and in larger supermarkets it's a speciality canned like corned beaf, usually from Poland. So they got added value with their Gammelfleisch!

Because of this, I'm corned into thinking that education, like healthcare, is one of those things that should be off limits to profit seekers. And yes, that means having to do the hard work as a society and identifying how we can maximize education through common resources for a common good.

Reuben: corned beef, sauerkraut, Swiss cheese, and Russian dressing on rye; lightly toasted You can even avoid saying "beef", "cheese", or "dressing". Reuben: cured brisket, sauerkraut, Emmentaler, and Thousand Island on marbled rye; lightly toasted "Reuben" is not a replacement for "sandwich".

>"The basis of their diet, therefore, is white bread and margarine, corned beef, sugared tea and potatoes -- an appalling diet. Would it not be better if they spent more money on wholesome things like oranges and wholemeal bread or if they even, like the writer of the letter to the New Statesman, saved on fuel and ate their carrots raw?

Sure, you could sniff your coworkers to discover who ate corned beef, and who vaped at lunch, but neither is at the level that we'd call it offensive in an office setting. The only reason people are complaining is because cigarettes are bad and by extension everything related to everything related is bad, and people love jumping on the bandwagon.

Reasons for [obesity being one of the leading causes of preventable deaths in the Pacific Rim] include mining operations that have left not much arable land; as a result, much of the local diet is of processed, imported food such as Spam or corned beef, rather than fresh fish, fruit and vegetables. In addition, cultural factors have been blamed, such as associating a large body size with wealth and power, or changing ways of living, with children leading more sedentary lives.

The key is to have a well defined 'edge' between filled and empty areas - so that the high-valued tiles are on the corned away from the emptiness where 2s spawn; and low-value tiles are on/near the border. Note that you can't afford to keep much unconnected duplicates - near the win point, you need to have 1024+512+256+128+64+32+16+8+4+2 which is 9/16 tiles filled already, so a few extra mid-value tiles cut your 'operating space' to near zero; so you must keep the high-values mostly ordered and agressively eliminate unneeded duplicates.

Proper Noun Examples for Corned

Corned beef hash, frozen hashbrowns, canned corned beef flaked, frozen or canned corn in skillet. Maybe add egg and cheese.

Corned definitions


(used especially of meat) cured in brine

See also: cured