Copiously in a sentence as an adverb

+1, downvotes should be used quite sparingly, but are given out copiously here.

From what you wrote your vocabulary is fine, it's the nuaces of grammar where your English would be improved by reading copiously.

I got used to reading entire books in a single day, listening to random music CDs, and using computer terminals copiously to find things.

If you're used to modern Linux code that copiously uses glib, D-Bus and a whole bunch of other libraries, you'll either find it a huge breath of fresh air, or completely blasphemous.

In fact I know for a while he was trying to package his course into a book, copiously illustrated with examples from the classic cartoons to work from, but ran into rights issues.

Tufte is one of the old guard of information presentation - not pretty, not even good looking, but unambiguous and copiously informative.

This does not account for latent discrimination, which is quite difficult to measure but probably exists more copiously than explicit discrimination.

Increasingly, my sense is that you want to be somewhat judicious in who you provide an effective moderating voice to, but those who get that voice should be encouraged to use it copiously.

Like others here also, I had not the time nor the inclination to go through the entirety of a 16,000 word behemoth of writing when the first 8,000 words were rote reptitions of a single point already copiously made within 1,000 words.

With 1st hand experience on aeronautics devices, i can tell you the "tech moves slow on planned because of extensive testing" is pure disinformation used copiously by everyone in the industry benefiting from that lie. Yeah, it is tested, like in several other industries. Then there is a cost vs risk calculation thrown into the equation here.

In this kind of framework the programmer who develops software by using anti-patterns copiously is rewarded because he makes sure he can waste even more hours on maintaining this software in order to get paid even more.

The minimum wage is just a minor example among countless schemes designed to make the poor, working, middle, and even upper middle classes feel they are being aided by government policies while they are actually being copiously robbed in broad daylight.

Copiously definitions


in an abundant manner; "they were abundantly supplied with food"; "he thanked her profusely"

See also: abundantly profusely extravagantly