Abundantly in a sentence as an adverb

It's abundantly clear that you did not experience that and have no idea what it is like for a child.

It's abundantly clear now that there are more than enough people who are willing to be jerks under their real names.

"It's abundantly clear now that there are more than enough people who are willing to be jerks under their real names.

"It's abundantly clear that, for all his faults, you don't even have a passing acquaintance with Marx.

This was abundantly evident last weekend when I went through a stack of about 100 45s from the 60s and early 70s that I inherited.

Everyone seems to be completely missing something PG made abundantly clear.

Apple has made it abundantly clear, that they were longer going to invest any effort into Aperture, and so we're going to get the best of all worlds.

"The web of trust model doesn't scale, that was made abundantly clear by PGP when it first came out. Even Phil Zimmerman, the guy that practically invented it, agreed it didn't scale and something else was needed.

I mean, at this point they've lost everything and it's abundantly clear that Sun would have been better off just blessing whatever Google wanted to do as "Java".

Make it abundantly clear that no personal projects will be tolerated by any employee on Zenimax's payroll.

Seeing Minecraft's profits makes it abundantly clear how much game industry money is being extracted by middlemen, big men and other parasites.

I read the actual ruling, or at least the official English translation of it[1].While I'm not a lawyer, it seems abundantly clear that the court considered taking money for a permanent licence to be a sale.

In an era where state and corporate powers are used so abundantly, so disproportionally, and with so much moral corruption, this kind of constitutional scope is clearly the way to go forward.

Abundantly definitions


in an abundant manner; "they were abundantly supplied with food"; "he thanked her profusely"

See also: copiously profusely extravagantly