Coolness in a sentence as a noun

No need to bash Ubuntu just because it lost the coolness/freshness factor.

As technologists we are often blinded by the coolness of things.

Too often we forget that the coolness factor has benefits in itself.

It is no doubt a profitable strategy, at the cost of "coolness" that Google has always been known for.

It's in the bios so it would happen if you were running any OS. Evidence of MS coolness still eludes us.

"Joe, who thought we were cool and clearly did not think Bill was cool, told us to tell you that he doesn't think Bill copied our amazing coolness.

As a 19 year old, I will say that from my perspective, this "coolness" factor is seriously overblown and misunderstood.

No need for pithy one-liners about internet coolness.

Most of Unity's "coolness" is Compiz anyway - zoom, desktop switching, etc., so all that was available before Unity.

Another thing which is sad but true is some developers feel the need to face off development tools and technologies in some sort of 'coolness' competition.

I am incredibly happy that coolness factor in tech is now more connected to ethical behavior of its top management and board members.

I'm afraid it might be turning away readers who would otherwise really enjoy the coolness of this read!The title can be read as "How to engineer pornography", at least that's how I read it at first.

When this first came out, the adverts on TV showed a movie full of action and dripping in coolness, I went to the first day of opening and the audience was dumbstruck about 15 minutes in, it was so 90210-esque.

Coolness definitions


calm and unruffled self-assurance; "he performed with all the coolness of a veteran"

See also: imperturbability imperturbableness


the property of being moderately cold; "the chilliness of early morning"

See also: chilliness


fearless self-possession in the face of danger

See also: nervelessness


a lack of affection or enthusiasm; "a distressing coldness of tone and manner"

See also: coldness frigidity frigidness iciness chilliness