Cooking in a sentence as a noun

Why bother cooking for yourself when you can hire a private chef?

Or how about this:Charlie didn't make $20M for cooking.

Which approach to eating meat is better: Tearing apart raw meat, or cooking it?

I spent 2 years doing this, and I was shocked how much time is wasted buying, cooking, and eating food three times a day.

"Charlie didn't make $20M for cooking, he made $20M for taking the risk that the company he was joining would fail"Maybe.

I'm from north of Spain and we like people from France used to eat very well, but people have less and less time for cooking and this means worse diet.

I used to enjoy cooking, but could barely manage to throw a can of beans a 25 cent box of mac and artificial cheese when I got home.

All those claims are a lot more complicated than that!Not to mention it makes it sound like Ortiz was cooking this all up behind closed doors and everyone else was shocked!

This is the critical point: Charlie didn't make $20M for cooking, he made $20M for taking the risk The money that founders and early employees make from startups they make as investors.

Or if the summary was we really should work on improving access to gas and electricity to the developing world, so they can stop using dangerous wood fires for heating and cooking, I would also agree 100%.

Nothing wrong with that, just don't claim the chef is making vast strides in chemistry or forget that the chef is drawing on tons of home cooking going back a long time which some people have had in their homes well before it appeared on your menu.

There is a stark difference in hiring a cook to come over and cook - and when he's not cooking for you be able to have his own family, hobbies, political motivations and all the rest of his life - and having a cook who 'serves' you - full stop.

More relevant questions:- Why don't we stop subsidizing corn so much?- Why don't we teach effective nutrition and cooking in school?- Why don't we teach effective exercise, sports, and fitness in schools?- If we can ban alcohol and tobacco sales to children, why not things like added sugar, hydrogenated oils, corn syrup, etc?- If we can ban alcohol and tobacco advertising to children, why not products with added sugar, hydrogenated oils, corn syrup, etc?- Why don't we limit advertising on fast and junk "food"?- Why don't we provide healthy lunches to school children instead of using them to subsidize agricultural conglomerates for low quality food?- Why don't we stop subsidizing fossil fuels so much so people would walk and ride bikes more?- Why don't we align our medical system with prevention instead of expensive and risky cures?You can come up with plenty more questions that would mostly obviate the need to wonder about obesity and wonder ***** to cure it.

Cooking definitions


the act of preparing something (as food) by the application of heat; "cooking can be a great art"; "people are needed who have experience in cookery"; "he left the preparation of meals to his wife"

See also: cookery preparation