Cookery in a sentence as a noun

Yes, the addlebrained old man faction has established their own branch of cookery.

Along with maths/etc pupils were taught practical stuff, like woodwork, cookery, etc.

Do you think that anyone here really confuses cookery with programming?

For the most part, yes. Vegetable cookery tends to happen at temps north of 175, and protein cookery tends to happen at temps south of 140 or so, so you can't really use the same unattended water bath for both.

I don't think rebuilding the engine and 5-star cookery are apt analogies for replying to emails spurred by the company's own inquiries.

From what I've read, egg cookery is fizzbuzz for cooks all across the restaurant industry --- although an omelette might be a more typical problem.

When left alone for a moment in their lounges, whilst they head to the kitchen to make a cuppa, it's nice to be able to peruse their collections of art, cookery, fiction books etc.

'restaurants in 10km range popular with 30-40 age professionals''most popular cookery books up to 3rd degree connections''top movies my close friends watched last week'

Or was expected never to use such a technique because half the team wouldn't understand the code?Hey, I know the theory on how to bake a large amount of cakes, breads, cookies, etc. I learned it by watching it on TV, and from cookery books.

Cookery definitions


the act of preparing something (as food) by the application of heat; "cooking can be a great art"; "people are needed who have experience in cookery"; "he left the preparation of meals to his wife"

See also: cooking preparation