Contemptuous in a sentence as an adjective

But if they don't, it's fair to be contemptuous of them.

They're not stupid, they're contemptuous - that's different.

Are you contemptuous of the law enforcement officers who protect?

Your comments here are glib, contemptuous and entirely unhelpful.

He uses words like "respect", but what he's saying feels contemptuous and passive-aggressive.

"A little late in the day," my up-to-date readers will remark, with a patronizing and contemptuous smile.

Gruber is so openly contemptuous of Stallman that I find it hard to believe that Winer is focusing on Kottke instead.

I don't think the lawyers are implying that they are contemptuous of jury nullification with this strategy.

And IBM's contemptuous attitude toward their own PC is one of the main reasons Apple was able to introduce the Macintosh to an adoring public.

You can see this from the fact that you very rarely see someone give a strongly hostile or contemptuous emotional reaction to their boss or someone else whose reaction they fear.

Because it's your pet runtime and you dont like others?> So it would be nice to see some respect where it's clearly due...You may want to take this advice for yourself, your comment is dismissive, insulting, contemptuous and contemptible.

I suspect that the dismissive, contemptuous attitude that many middle and upper class Americans have towards, say, the inner cities, would not be unfamiliar in Moscow or St. Petersburg.

There is nothing wrong with disagreeing with his article, but snarky and contemptuous remarks about his supposed incompetency detract severely from points made, making them seem like the critic is an immature schoolyard bully.

The patriarch of the protagonist's family is what one might almost call a Western otaku - English-speaking, European-literature-loving, contemptuous of all things Japanese, and a few spoiler things as well - and the novels themselves are heavily influenced by Western ****** mysteries & a bit of philosophy too. I was struck by how old-fashioned this preference seemed in the character.

Contemptuous definitions


expressing extreme contempt

See also: disdainful insulting scornful