Patriarch in a sentence as a noun

The patriarch Ashpool spends almost all of his time\nin cryogenic stasis.

Latin culture idolizes a certain ideal of the strong male patriarch.

But for this one, Eliezer Yudkowsky, the site's founder and patriarch, reacted to it hugely.

The biblical patriarch Abraham was born in the Jewish calendar year 1948.

After all, if the most obnoxious members of the patriarchy can be brought down by a few tweets, how powerful can they really be?

A borderline abusive work environment that's policed over by the family patriarch and matriarch... that's "small stuff"?

As far as I can tell the main difference between a patriarch and a misogynist, is that with a patriarch the women haven't successfully rebelled yet.

Many of the Apple people probably didn't know Steve either, but they sure knew more about him and the idea of an Apple family and Steve as the patriarch is pretty clear.

In this case, it appeared that the patriarch's bank accounts were the ultimate destination for the money regardless of which LLC owned a building at any given time.

This is a culture steeped in confucianism, the patriarch is supreme and group cohesion and harmony is of higher importance than the needs of an individual.

I suppose the patriarchy was lurking somewhere in my subconscious, tricking me into believing that it was more my duty to stay home with our new baby than my husband’s.

Imagine a multi-generational household where the patriarch has savings but where the living expenses are covered by his descendants.

The patriarch of the protagonist's family is what one might almost call a Western otaku - English-speaking, European-literature-loving, contemptuous of all things Japanese, and a few spoiler things as well - and the novels themselves are heavily influenced by Western ****** mysteries & a bit of philosophy too. I was struck by how old-fashioned this preference seemed in the character.

Patriarch definitions


title for the heads of the Eastern Orthodox Churches (in Istanbul and Alexandria and Moscow and Jerusalem)


the male head of family or tribe

See also: paterfamilias


any of the early biblical characters regarded as fathers of the human race


a man who is older and higher in rank than yourself