Constrictive in a sentence as an adjective

And not the constrictive kind of anxiety either, the hollow kind.

Maybe, that would require a more complex voting algorithm though which might be constrictive at Reddit's scale.

Frameworks can be a force-multiplier, but they are also constrictive in a lot of ways.

But we should not use these arguments in polite and constrictive conversation or debate.

New platforms created as walled gardens are a breeding ground for apps but over time anything that is not the full internet will feel constrictive.

It's very difficult to wear an N95; it's really constrictive and uncomformtable.

If you've ever had a blood choke or constrictive choke applied to you, you immediately understand what it's like, and what dangers it presents.

There is, however, a not-insignificant amount of talk in the main stream press about Apple's constrictive nature.

"far right" and "literally" breaking free of the constrictive confines of dictionary definition in some style there

As someone who's done time as a troll, I can verify that the persona can get pretty constrictive, even if there is a core of truth in everything you type.

It is illegal for states to prevent persons from neighboring, more constrictive states from traveling in and out. Given the Supreme Court make up it is unlikely any of the above would be upheld as constitutional.

How do you feel about those who are excluded from home ownership due to not qualifying for a mortgage because of arbitrary rules and supply constrictive zoning laws?

Constrictive definitions


(of circumstances) tending to constrict freedom

See also: constricting narrowing


restricting the scope or freedom of action

See also: confining constraining limiting restricting