Constipate in a sentence as a verb

We need info and we need to share good info, but don't constipate on bad news.

In real life, I constipate my self expression, even with friends.

It took her a lot of trial and error to find a brand that did not constipate her, which I cannot remember right now.

The pain is extreme and you don't get opiates because they constipate so just Tylenol.

The market consists of people who arent constipated tightwads who enjoy light tech banter.

Most people will find out that pooping in a squatting toilets is the easiest thing in the world even when you are constipated.

I quickly found vicodin didn't do anything for my pain, but I continued to take it simply because it kept me constipated.

Callous privilege of working in a booming industry while the rest of the economy is constipated, I suppose.

They don't make me feel good, they constipate me and make me a bit sleepy - I don't know how anyone becomes addicted to them, but amongst many others I guess there are genetic factors at play.

For instance the high-volume low-calorie high-fiber plan ultimately just made me extremely bloated and often constipated.

Adderall also made me constipated, sweaty, unable to sleep... my circulation got so bad my hands would freeze up at my desk, so I would layer on clothes and sit there sweating with frozen hands and feet.

If I'm feeling dehydrated or constipated, I'll take some magnesium citrate or an electrolyte drink packet with magnesium and potassium salts.

Especially when the current common palliative treatment is to load them up with opiates such that they are asleep, high, or massively in pain and also constipated in the rare lucid moments.

Constipate definitions


impede with a clog or as if with a clog; "The market is being clogged by these operations"; "My mind is constipated today"

See also: clog


cause to be constipated; "These foods tend to constipate you"

See also: bind