Conform in a sentence as a verb

As they get older, all screens will have to conform to the new reality.

I'm happy to see the squares gone and the design conform to the standard Android design guidelines.

You either have to conform or move to some place where the definition of "normal" is different.

Once we are freed from having to conform to society in order to meet our basic needs, what will we be able to do?

They felt they were keeping true to the actual spec and that the Acid was incorrect and thus it was silly to conform just to get that 100/100.

Liking, availability, and conformity are all we can muster in most cases.

They all have the same characteristics: Be a quiet professional, dont make waves, conform, fit in, dont question authority.

Well, uh.>We may not conform to a model of perfect economic behavior, but neither are we puppets at the mercy of every Tom, Dick, and Harry with a billboard.

Children settle into sex-based play preferences only around age 1, which is when they grasp which sex they are, identify strongly with it, and conform to how they see other, usually older, boys or girls behaving.

Functional programmers pass functions around all the time, so a lot of functional "libraries" are actually frameworks that insist on calling your code in complicated ways, making it conform to very precise types required by the framework.

These standards generally reflect a social definition of race and ethnicity recognized in this country and they do not conform to any biological, anthropological, or genetic criteria.

Conform definitions


be similar, be in line with


adapt or conform oneself to new or different conditions; "We must adjust to the bad economic situation"

See also: adjust adapt