Adjust in a sentence as a verb

Lots of road projects to widen, adjust and fix earlier mistakes though.

So even if Jose wasn't gay, he wouldn't be able to adjust based on marriage.

Clock bending adjusts the display clock frequencies to reduce screen flicker.

After a couple of weeks adjustment my productivity went way up.

[2] Is this a reason for them to pivot or adjust their marketing to talk about what their service does do well?

They were paying to have their music professionally mixed, yet still insisted on making adjustments and changes.

Normally a utility will install capacitor banks to adjust the voltage.

For a person so obsessed with journalists' accuracy, he is pretty quick to interpret/cherrypick/adjust the public editor's piece in the best possible way for him.

Why is everyone assuming Apple's being evil here?Not that they're perfect by any means, but the pattern seems pretty clear: they start off with a restrictive situation, see how it works, and then adjust.

Have you considered using randomization to adjust the score of certain comments?HN comments seem to exhibit a rich-get-richer phenomenon.

People will adjust their lifestyle to take advantage of the new infrastructure, especially over the century-long timescales involved.

You should be able to keep your eyes on the road and still adjust the air conditioning—something the designer in this video recognizes—but that shouldn't require learning invisible gestures that are prone to user error.

"the notion that the governments raisin-administrators ward off chaotic gyrations in prices far-fetched: walnut and citrus farmers, after all, have abandoned similar systems in recent years without any ill effects"This issue has been studied extensively - "agricultural central banks" are a bad way to deal with a perishable commodity because they shift demand volatility onto the government's balance sheet and so dull the incentive for supply to adjust, or find ways to become more versatile.

Adjust definitions


alter or regulate so as to achieve accuracy or conform to a standard; "Adjust the clock, please"; "correct the alignment of the front wheels"

See also: correct


place in a line or arrange so as to be parallel or straight; "align the car with the curb"; "align the sheets of paper on the table"

See also: align aline


adapt or conform oneself to new or different conditions; "We must adjust to the bad economic situation"

See also: conform adapt


make correspondent or conformable; "Adjust your eyes to the darkness"


decide how much is to be paid on an insurance claim