Concierge in a sentence as a noun

The phone coming with a concierge service is a little in-joke: the point is that you have it, and John Q. Public doesn't even know it exists.

My experience of getting a SIM card in Mumbai:Go to hotel concierge, ask about getting a SIM card.

Agency like concierge code-for-hire models tend to work better.

If Yelp is no better or worse than a stranger on the street or hotel concierge then I think that just plays to the point that Yelp has major problems.

But in those cases, the restaurant establishes a relationship with the concierge which is mutually beneficial, and trust is created.

People that buy these phones likely already have a concierge service from at least one of their credit cards, their place of residence, their country club, their airline, or whatever else.

Effectively every time I enter an Apple Store I get accosted by no less than three employees, not to mention the "concierge" that guards the entryway to the store.

In cases where this trust is broken, a restaurant will basically refuse to accept reservations from the concierge or service who abused the relationship.

In the GA terminal there is no TSA in sight and your pilot also acts as a concierge, booking a car service to take you to a restaurant reservation he also made for you while in flight.

Of course, that money isn't always spent optimally, but that's another story.> At what point do you become not just a student, but also a fee for service consumer, with an appropriate set of expectations for some level of responsiveness and customer service?Expect to pay a lot more for concierge level service.

Concierge definitions


a French caretaker of apartments or a hotel; lives on the premises and oversees people entering and leaving and handles mail and acts as janitor or porter