Compassionate in a sentence as a verb

Pg - its better to be compassionate than not be.

You may be right in the issues you point out but you are too harsh and not compassionate.

As a city, the thought is that these programs are a compassionate thing to do.

I might argue that this makes as much financial sense as it does compassionate sense.

If you aren't getting anything done, let me know, and we'll call it compassionate leave".

Instead, be compassionate, accepting, caring, patient, help people carry their burdens, turn the other cheek, be the bright spot in their day.

Compassionate in a sentence as an adjective

By signing the apology, Cook looks compassionate to consumers.

Although it sounds simple and, well, uninteresting, what he captured on film ended up being a fascinating, compassionate look into this complex world.

A fundamental principle for capitalism is that people will behave morally and be compassionate.

I hope Hacker News is always a compassionate community where you can share your experiences and then encounter empathy and helpful advice.

Enabling drug addiction is not compassionate to the homeless, and it certainly isn't compassionate or caring to the citizens of the city who have to fund this ridiculous garbage.

Nut just a fund for legal and living expenses and therapy to cope with the stress, but much more importantly, reliable relationships with people who are supporting, compassionate and willing to listen.

Compassionate definitions


share the suffering of

See also: pity


showing or having compassion; "heard the soft and compassionate voices of women"