Comb in a sentence as a noun

I'm shocked we have someone actively combing to discover assets the government might be able to seize in court.

"monitor" ... "internet traffic" ...Great, you don't comb through every bit sent via YouTube, Netflix, etc.

Comb in a sentence as a verb

"According to the sworn testimony of a DEA agent operating out of Boston, it was his job to comb through news stories for properties that might be subject to forfeiture.

Comb definitions


a flat device with narrow pointed teeth on one edge; disentangles or arranges hair


the fleshy red crest on the head of the domestic fowl and other gallinaceous birds

See also: cockscomb coxcomb


any of several tools for straightening fibers


ciliated comb-like swimming plate of a ctenophore


the act of drawing a comb through hair; "his hair needed a comb"

See also: combing


straighten with a comb; "comb your hair"


search thoroughly; "They combed the area for the missing child"

See also: ransack


smoothen and neaten with or as with a comb; "comb your hair before dinner"; "comb the wool"

See also: disentangle