Colorful in a sentence as an adjective

Rather than sharing USB sticks you share your Pi. Put them in colorful cases and kids will trade them at school.

They're so colorful and attractive, that you don't even notice the central circle - and, critically, you don't read the text that says "Redeem".

One of the reasons I've taken an interest in this whole fiasco is that I occasionally make "colorful" jokes.

In fact, you have to wonder why none of his white colleagues stood up and objected to some of the more colorful remarks made in the presence of others.

Well... after picking up the multi-path room echoes and the "colorful" transfer functions of the DAC, amp, speaker, mic, ADC, etc, there is substantial distortion.

After all, a city is primarily defined by its people, not colorful paints and period-architecture.

This not always possible, but I see people not even trying, apparently it is easier to publish a few papers when you spray it with colorful analogies.

I couldn't help myself, and said, "No I'm not." I heard several colorful words from the Doc, followed by "intubate", followed by "get the paddles", and then "clear" - apparently it was real balancing act as they tried to get me under again while the Doc tried to hurry to complete his act.

And the major titles on the N64 and Playstation and Dreamcast were titles like Mario and Sonic and Crash Bandicoot – colorful worlds, puzzles often based on platforming.

Invariably the result was trying for 5 or 10 minutes before walking away in frustration, sometimes with colorful language.

Calling Monsanto 'ethically ambiguous' is akin to describing Hitler as a 'colorful leader with sporadic public relations issues'.

All that said, I liked the punchy, colorful style with which the speaker presented his points and I can appreciate that the points made, and the manner of presentation, can cause young graduates to examine their premises and to think about what they really want to do with their lives.

His colorful metaphors does not actually illuminate the issue at hand, but only serves to set up "studid" versus "smart" and appeals to emotion by hoping to convince the reader to the side of the smart ones, without actually arguing the specific points of the thechnology.

Colorful definitions


having striking color; "colorful autumn leaves"

See also: colourful


striking in variety and interest; "a colorful period of history"; "a colorful character"; "colorful language"

See also: colourful


having color or a certain color; sometimes used in combination; "colored crepe paper"; "the film was in color"; "amber-colored heads of grain"

See also: colored coloured