Cockamamie in a sentence as an adjective

I wish there was a venue for me to bet against this cockamamie idea.

If only it was as simple to make a business out of a cockamamie idea as it is to come up with the cockamamie idea in the first place.

This cockamamie conspiracy theory is getting really old.

This is what I read after going to this site:Hi, I'm a "creator/founder" looking for people to finish my cockamamie idea in which I can stamp my name all over it when it's finished.

Once we establish all subject experience, all qualia, as a phenomenon of computation then cockamamie like the "dignity of all living things" will go away.

The idea that we should scuttle the entire publishing industry and switch to Spotify because of these minor fluctuations from year to year prove the "business model is dying" is absolutely cockamamie.

This guy thinks he’s redeeming himself and is a good man because he came up with a cockamamie idea that on first blush could seem altruistic, but, my word, you have to be worse than tone deaf to propose something as impractical as this as some kind of actual solution.

At this point the less dense areas are a waste of energy and resources that are worsening our climate outlook, we should be starting to think about real solutions instead of some cockamamie telemedicine patch - seeing a doctor over the phone is only a solution for trivial problem, as soon as there's something serious the only option is a very long car ride or a very expensive helicopter ride.

Cockamamie definitions


ludicrous, foolish; "gave me a cockamamie reason for not going"; "wore a goofy hat"; "a silly idea"; "some wacky plan for selling more books"

See also: cockamamy goofy sappy silly wacky whacky zany