Clouded in a sentence as an adjective

Is your judgement so clouded by patriotism that you somehow think other people have no right to their privacy?

We have this notion that "when people drink they act like idiots with clouded judgement," which becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I'm sure given that he has been personally targeted his judgment might be clouded though, and it's hard to know what I would do in that situation.

I ran into similar issue few years ago where lack of knowledge combined with large amount of fanboyism clouded someones mind.

I work for a GPU vendor so my viewpoint might be clouded, but there is a lot of competitive information to be gleaned from the source code of modern drivers.

This line from the story really hit home this morning: Sherman had battled clinical depression, and his mind may have been clouded by *********, which he often smoked to self-medicate.

Our judgement is clouded by a combination of hindsight and narrative biases along with a significant underestimation of 'luck'.

Many brilliant people I've met over the years however have been lost to productive work because their bitterness at not being accepted early only has clouded their ability to enjoy the success their vision has seen since they espoused it.

I'm concerned that our outrage over "mass surveillance being used for fishing expeditions" has clouded our judgment when it comes to "law enforcement legitimately gathering evidence for an active case against one specific person.

Are you suggesting that we should assume everything we read is true until we have 'more facts' or 'additional insight'?The reason her story was denounced by a few people is because those people had not let their ability to think critically be clouded by the current NSA/Snowden frenzy.

I see groups of people socialising and talking - if someone is by themselves then their phone can provide some distraction/semblance of "company".There's also a tendency for us techy types to get caught in our own little bubble - I get my news from HN Reddit and Twitter, so my view on how people use these services is clouded.

Clouded definitions


made troubled or apprehensive or distressed in appearance; "his face was clouded with unhappiness"


filled or abounding with clouds

See also: cloud-covered overcast sunless


mentally disordered; "a mind clouded by sorrow"


unclear in form or expression; "the blurred aims of the group"; "sometimes one understood clearly and sometimes the meaning was clouded"- H.G.Wells

See also: blurred