Clit in a sentence as a noun

Playing a bit with the URL a bit revealed that libpcsclite1 includes 'clit'.

The 'clit' is still there, but it's almost unusable.

If someone, anyone, asked me to suck their dick or clit, yes, I would go for the nuclear option.

In "porn world", "women come all the time ins positions where nothing is going on anywhere near the clit.

My Ubuntu could not update libpcsclite1, because the proxy did not allow to fetch the package.

You can imagine what the multi-trackpoint would be called, given that a single trackpoint is called the "keyboard clit".

I also don't think OP, the author of 'clit', intends for it to supplant Tweetdeck ... it seems like a one-off that he slapped a name on and threw on Github.

In an office we're all there to work and not get embroiled in relationship drama - so calling that nub a clit is just unnecessarily bringing sex into things.

Clit definitions


a female sexual organ homologous to the penis

See also: clitoris button