Chum in a sentence as a noun

This app is like throwing buckets of chum in the water.

It would seem the Harvard Face Book team is having a bit of fun with you, chum.

Spreading out some chum, setting the line, seeing who bites.

Boost is just another bucket of chum as far as Warp is concerned.

The moment he flashes his money, all sorts of "friends" come out of the woodwork, happy to be his chum.

Seems potentially gauche, like, er, sending a note to a chum saying "I'm banging your ex"?

" inquiries from different guys, you'd start to feel a little like chum in shark-infested waters.

Anecdotal I know, but I have a chum - a big, big Apple fan - who has so far refused to upgrade to iOS 6 because of the maps issues.

Because you're basically throwing chum in the ocean and disclaiming that you're responsible for the shark frenzy.

The original post had the distinct smell of chum around the edges, and thats what generated the harshess of my response, not your comment!

I believe others are website-only, but they are not the usual chum to just attract viewers; they're actually good stuff that simply doesn't fit in the print issue.

These articles always talk about a benevolent best-chum advisor/faculty that you have long conversations with and then go have another cup of tea with.

Stratfor's specific focus makes it much likelier that any given source, or any given chum of the CEO, has said something via email that could be pretty powerful, were it disclosed.

But the real problem is the underlying assumption that a good-looking person who happens to be in a predominantly other-gendered profession is going to be treated like chum to the sharks.

It's like choosing between living in a lion's cage or swimming in shark-infested waters -- would you risk swimming with the sharks to prove a point about how deadly the sharks are, especially when you just threw some chum at them?

I've always wondered what the deal was for the 'chum'.Sounds like 44% is the max you should ever offer, and even so I'd have my attorney add a clause that said that if a shark invested ABC would have 60 days to either join the round or pass.

I've also seen large companies with all manner of incompetence and bad behavior -- one bank leader I know actually built a business unit with no useful purpose... specifically for the purpose of having chum for a layoff.

For every long-lost chum who reaches out to me on Facebook, there's a guy who beat me up on a weekly basis through the whole seventh grade but now wants to be my buddy; or the crazy person who was fun in college but is now kind of sad; or the creepy ex-co-worker who I'd cross the street to avoid but who now wants to know, "Am I your friend?

Chum definitions


a close friend who accompanies his buddies in their activities

See also: buddy brother crony sidekick


bait consisting of chopped fish and fish oils that are dumped overboard to attract fish


a large Pacific salmon with small spots on its back; an important food fish