Childbed in a sentence as a noun

Instead, the case he could have been making, loudly, was for an actual, specific, incorrect cause of childbed fever.

* Semmelweis' actual theory of the cause of childbed fever was wrong, and it was wrong in ways that made his recommendations hard to take seriously.

Even after doctors adopted a regime of disinfecting hand washes, hospitals still saw a significant rate of childbed fever.

Once his protocol was implemented, mortality rates from childbed fever plummeted.

Challenged with countervailing evidence, he doubled down, maintaining that childbed fever was caused by the cadaveric particles generated internally by necrotizing tissue crushed during the birthing process.

He never received the Nobel prize, but I think he counts towards the point.> Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis discovered in 1847 that hand-washing with a solution of chlorinated lime reduced the incidence of fatal childbed fever tenfold in maternity institutions.

He's even asking for feedback [1], unfortunately only to denigrate the adressed people in the next sentence [2].It reminds a bit of Ignaz Semmelweis who managed to do good by reducing mortality of women in childbed by requiring desinfection before examinations but failed to spread the idea by being adverserial to his colleagues [3].

Childbed definitions


concluding state of pregnancy; from the onset of contractions to the birth of a child; "she was in labor for six hours"

See also: parturiency labor labour confinement lying-in travail