Chew in a sentence as a noun

Give me some code to chew on, show off some features.

Seems like she just does most of this stuff for attention... too bad she took it too far this time and bit off more than she could chew.

Also, it seems like one chew releases all the moisture, leaving a mouthful of dry bleh-ness with which to contend.

If I were to run a startup right after university, I would have bit off more than I could chew, probably.

But I go there, I wait in line for 30 minutes, get crammed in on a bench with 5 strangers, and get served a steak sandwich that's too tough to chew.

The problems are separate and could be worked on separately -- why even assume that they can't walk and chew gum at the same time?

Users discover that their machine stops talking to the network when they click and hold the mouse button, because the OS can't walk and chew gum at the same time.

Go to town with JavaScript. You want to require enabling a possible malware vector and chew through computer resources like they're candy just to read a few paragraphs of text?

Chew in a sentence as a verb

Cell phones can chew through any amount of power you give them, with augmented reality, being used as laptops with optional shells, the sky is the limit.

Lynch mobs as defined, always results in the death of a person or persons at the hands of a mob. An attorney who bit off more than he can chew and as a result received a number of nasty emails is not the victim of a lynch mob.

Biting off heads, interrupting people mid sentence, forgetting what happened in the last meeting....... this is the epitome of somebody who has bitten off more than they can chew.

I'd rather chew razor blades than talk about traffic, weather, casino gambling, baseball, real estate taxes, gun control, politics, or Dancing with the Stars.

Each image requires lots of processing, which means the CPU will have to chew on data for a while before you can take another image.- Proprietary toolchain for the dynamic images.

It doesnt taste much like chicken, but since most white meat chicken doesnt taste like much anyway, thats hardly a problem; both are about texture, chew and the ingredients you put on them or combine with them.

If they were selling trendy iPhone cases and had bitten off more orders than they could presently chew, then an X% rolling reserve for Y days would likely be sufficient to insulate against the risk of some orders not shipping.

Chew definitions


a wad of something chewable as tobacco

See also: chaw quid plug


biting and grinding food in your mouth so it becomes soft enough to swallow

See also: chewing mastication manduction


chew (food); to bite and grind with the teeth; "He jawed his bubble gum"; "Chew your food and don't swallow it!"; "The cows were masticating the grass"

See also: masticate manducate