Cauterise in a sentence as a verb

He cut the heads off and his nephew, Iolaos, cauterised the wounds so they wouldn't grow back. So you'd also need fire.

The bombs were a horror, but at least they cauterised imperialism out of the Japanese psyche for at least a few generations - at a huge cost. The US isn't much better off now.

They still need to be dealt with - and we are unforgiving of mental illness and have barely moved past the "cut it off and cauterise the wound" phase of treatment. The war on ***** is mostly masking a war on mental health.

They see that their captive developer community of VB and C# devs is trying to migrating to more sane scripting languages, and they want to cauterise the bleeding with TS. The moment TS will gain steam, they will very likely add some extensions that will finally break any form of reverse compatibility, and make TS a standalone language. And few years down the line they will put a lid on it too.

At the risk of hyperbole: Lobbying is a catalyst for the destruction of democracy, and should be cut and cauterised from our civilization like the cancer that it is. Anybody running on the platform of diminishing the corporate voice to its legitimate, proportional volume would certainly have my vote.

Three days later a doctor had to use silver nitrate to cauterise the wound, as it immediately started bleeding profusely whenever the pressure from the bandaid was removed. That is what I mean by "bandaid solution" - you're not solving the problem, merely covering up the issue and trying to ignore it. Upvoting any and all non-offensive comments simply to counter any possible errant down votes defeats the purpose of having votes at all - I then have to choose between keeping the conversation open and honest, and "supporting" comments I actively agree with. As a side-note, I strongly suggest against using a cheap mandolin OR having a wound cauterised with silver nitrate.

Cauterise definitions


burn, sear, or freeze (tissue) using a hot iron or electric current or a caustic agent; "The surgeon cauterized the wart"

See also: cauterize burn


make insensitive or callous; deaden feelings or morals

See also: callous cauterize