Carcinogen in a sentence as a noun

It might slim down your code, but it's also a carcinogen.

No, I don't think tobacco smoke is a puny carcinogen.

Hang on, I thought they debunked the whole "aspartame is a carcinogen" thing...

So you're not going to get radiation sickness from Pu, it's just a very potent carcinogen.

How about we pull that stuff and just tell pregnant women to take supplements and stop feeding men a carcinogen?

Both of those are extremely harmful, but not because of their carcinogenic effects.

Not to mention that alcohol is a major carcinogen in the United States.

The fact that cell phones are in their same group on some carcinogen list means essentially nothing, in fact it's not even worth mentioning.

They're classifying cell phone use as a "Group 2B" carcinogen, which means it's "possibly" carcinogenic.

The carcinogen in cigarettes is the "tar", which is absent from E-cigarettes.

There are studies showing the relative cardiovascular and cancer risk, and the worst carcinogens are produced by burning plant material.

Sure, the benzene moiety is prolific and crucial throughout biological systems, but plain benzene is a toxic carcinogen.- Why is their favicon cyclohexane instead of benzene, if that was why they're going for?

One thing to worry about - insulin cross-reacts with the IGF receptor and insulin is a mild carcinogen; but insulin variants and insulin reformulations can be extremely potent carcinogens.

Re-enrichment only replaces macronutrients, leaving micronutrients and minerals unaccounted for.- Preservatives enhance shelf life and reduce the likelihood of food-borne illness, but many are themselves suspect and many have been taken off the market.- Nitrites are possible carcinogen.- Google: brominated oil, arsenic poultry.... and so on.

Are you seriously suggesting that people should go buy a bunch of junk from the organic food shops just in case one of them turns out to be good for you in the future?Adversely, what happens if one of them turns out to be a carcinogen or otherwise something that adversely affects health?Your mom isn't wise, she just threw enough unproven stuff down her kid's throats so that it was inevitable that one of them one day might prove useful.

Carcinogen definitions


any substance that produces cancer