Carbonic in a sentence as an adjective

It turned out that if you add CO2 to water, you get carbonic acid.

I assume that surface water will have more carbonic acid than deep water.

CO2 dissolved in water forms carbonic acid, which reacts with alkaline rocks.

In addition to that I eliminated any form of soda -- the carbonic acid is not good and can lead to gastritis or worse.

Apparently the tip arrives with a supply of NaOH inside, which reacts with CO2 in the exhaust stream and then is emitted out the tailpipe as carbonic acid.

CO2 dissolved in your blood reaches an equilibrium with carbonic acid, which means that the acidity of your blood is proportional to the amount of CO2.

Hydrolysis of the ester will occur under acidic conditions which would be brought about by dissolution of carbonic acid.

For example, the bicarbonate buffer system which is catalazyed by carbonic anhydrase.

Not to mention that increased ocean acidity via carbonic acid - ie: the introduction of C02 into ocean water - is its own little nightmare, given its catastrophic effects on coral reef reliant systems.

I was thinking in the opposite direction, that maybe sugar is responsible but the effect is triggered/compounded by the bubbles [or C02 or carbonic acid] in some way?There's a joke in here about muddy waters [a cocktail made variously with coke and OJ] somewhere ...

Carbonic definitions


relating to or consisting of or yielding carbon

See also: carbonaceous carbonous carboniferous