Carbonaceous in a sentence as an adjective

"One stone, for example, had a density of less than 1 gram per cubic centimetre, less than all known carbonaceous meteorites.

So anything you can get from a carbonaceous chondrite asteroid shouldn't be precious to the point of rarity on Venus.

And indeed, mixtures of ammonium nitrate, picric acid and anything carbonaceous are decent ~high explosives.

If there's a planet out there whose apex predator species is silicaceous in the same way we're carbonaceous, then, there, my robot is halfway to being a cricket, and is probably quite tasty when properly prepared.

The reason for the effectiveness of the SEI has incited a lot of research interest in the past decade but remains an unsolved mystery, although it is generally believed that EC undergoes a reduction process on the carbonaceous anode via a similar path to that shown in Scheme 1.

The major observational problem would be that dim rocky/metallic/carbonaceous objects are already hard to see even when hot from direct illumination close to the sun, and comets would no longer throw off extremely visible tails.> lethal doses of gamma radiationI'm unsure this would be the case -- what would be the source?

"At the time of entry into the Earths atmosphere on 29 December 2012, the parent body of the Polonnaruwa meteorite would have had most of its interior porous volume filled with water, volatile organics and possibly viable living cells"Begs the question..."A few percent carbon as revealed by EDX analysis confirms the status of a carbonaceous meteorite.

For instance to evaluate the possibility of building a space sunshade with a solar sail factory on a carbonaceous chondrite asteroid it would be reductionistic to design the system and mission in as much detail as possible, It is another to say that you need to make 10^14 kg of mylar and 10^12 kig of aluminum and make some broad guesses about stocks and flows from there.

Carbonaceous definitions


relating to or consisting of or yielding carbon

See also: carbonous carbonic carboniferous