Capacious in a sentence as an adjective

How do you say gigantic, how do you say long, how do you say capacious, etc.

It's capacious, got heaps of pockets and I've taken it with me throughout Europe.

>>> European quizzes grew more capacious as well.

The data storage is in SQLite -- fast and capacious -- and it supports patterns searches of history.

I know where my faith fits in the history of ideas, and I'm comfortable in the capacious intellectual house it affords me.

The combination of the batteries in my phone and my laptop is clearly more capacious than the battery in the laptop alone.

Although it would be nice to have the fastest harddrives, quickest processors, and most capacious memory, there are other things that prevent it from being useful.

It just so happens that density does drive CPUs to be faster for the same production cost and storage to be either more capacious or physically smaller.

It is speculated that the Masai are protected from their atherosclerosis by physical fitness which causes their coronary vessels to be capacious.

He has to have the fastest, biggest, most capacious thing.- Fran has been convinced over the years that specs matter, but she doesn't have the technical knowledge to be able to tell the difference between specs that matter and specs that don't.

If that works for you, then great!You might consider the same cheat I use for charging, which is to keep a small but reasonably capacious USB battery [1] in my bag, and top it up via USB whenever I happen to have a port free.

‘As our use of the web makes it harder for us to lock information into our biological memory, we’re forced to rely more and more on the net’s capacious and easily searchable artificial memory,’ Carr observes.

"... In his call to action, Mr. Malamud pointed to the free trial Pacer was offering and called for a “Thumb Drive Corps” to go to libraries with small-but-capacious “thumb drives,” plug them into computers, download as many court documents as they could, and send them to Mr. Malamud so that he could translate them them into a format that Google’s search software can read and put them on line.

Capacious definitions


large in capacity; "she carried a capacious bag"