Coronary in a sentence as a noun

Because he had a non-zero score on his coronary CT scan.

This is why coronary CT is not a perfect test for prediction heart attacks.

We know for certain that Seth had coronary artery disease.

Seth may have had "quality health cover," but we know he still developed coronary disease.

It is not normal to have calcified coronary arteries -- at any age.

Anyone who puts faith in a single assessor of cardiac risk, coronary CT, is unwise.

However MR of coronary arteries isn't anywhere near as good as CT or cath lab imaging which is high quality.

Remember, too, that sudden unexpected death is the first symptom in 20% of cases of coronary artery disease.

Furthermore, coronary CT cannot assess the tendency of the blood to clot, which is a function of both local and systemic factors.

They could ask: "Why have a coronary artery bypass graft operation at a place where you have a 1-in-6 chance of dying compared with a hospital with a 1-in-100 chance of dying?

Coronary in a sentence as an adjective

Elevated levels of total and LDL cholesterol are a risk factor for coronary heart disease and can be a sign of coronary heart disease.

Dr. Agatston, the famous cardiologist who invented what is now the standard test for coronary calcification, certainly claims that there is no reason to avoid eating eggs.

It may be so common as to be the statistical norm, but coronary calcification is never physiologically normal.

"Open Heart Surgery" is a term for a variety of surgical procedures done on the heart, including valve replacement, vascular repairs of the aorta/vena cava/pulmonary vessels, and coronary bypass.

"In contrast to current recommendations, this systematic review found no evidence that saturated fat increases the risk of coronary disease, or that polyunsaturated fats have a cardioprotective effect.

Not only is it going to contribute to obesity but high sugar intake appears to be a much bigger risk factor for atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease than hyperlipidaemia.\nBut all things in moderation.

Saturated fat has been demonised since the 1970s when a landmark study concluded that there was a correlation between incidence of coronary heart disease and total cholesterol, which then correlated with the percentage of calories provided by saturated fat, explains Malhotra.

The question could easily have been interpreted as:"Will diet and exercise reverse my [multiple 95% blocked coronary arteries before I die from a massive heart attack]"or"Will diet and exercise reverse my [dead heart tissue from my heart attack]"Both answers are reasonably close to "absolutely not".You seem to equate 'heart disease' to high cholesterol levels, and blood pressure readings.

Heart disease etc, including[1]:"This is why hemoglobin A1C is frequently used in studies that try to correlate blood sugar control to various disease processes like Alzheimer’s, mild cognitive impairment, and coronary artery disease.\nIt’s well documented that glycated hemoglobin is a powerful risk factor for diabetes, but it’s also been correlated with risk for stroke, coronary heart disease, and death from other illnesses.

Coronary definitions


obstruction of blood flow in a coronary artery by a blood clot (thrombus)


surrounding like a crown (especially of the blood vessels surrounding the heart); "coronary arteries"