Bystander in a sentence as a noun

I was new and mostly a bystander for that but it felt great to be a part of it all.

One bystander wisely asks "How do you resist when they're on top of your back?" and then wonders why they don't just put the cuffs on him and be done with it.

Being an "innocent bystander" is not true innocence.

Surely this makes bystander effect much worse. I like to help, but when problems happened, it was almost always the smart thing to do to just get out of the way.

Please HN, there are a few comments in this thread talking about "taking action" if you happen to be a bystander during an emergency. Let me implore you.

Seems like the real dispute is going to end up being between Id and Carmack; Oculus is kind of a bystander. If I was advising Carmack, I'd strongly suggest he engage a lawyer.

I hear the game is so realistic that when you recklessly shoot a bystander, you're placed on a two week paid suspension until you respawn.

It's not like they were some innocent bystander; they made some really stupid decisions and paid the price. Side note: those "thank you" commercials feel so terribly disingenuous;

It wasn't so long ago that the "bystander" would simply watch the child for a minute out of common courtesy for the mother. If it looked like it was getting out of hand, then perhaps intervention of some sort might cross their mind.

It often seems like there might be the "bystander effect" at play, too. Not that you were arguing that and not to try to argue that this makes it okay, but just to argue that people taking responsibility when they have the power to do so are the exception and not the rule in human nature.

Your example of the skinheads is just another example of the bystander effect -- definitely not unique to Russia. Also, Russians are pretty crazily racist, so that causes the story to be moot as well.

As a data point for a bystander: I much prefer Unity over Gnome 3. Here's the quick list of things that prevent me from taking Gnome 3 seriously: Alt+Tab is completely broken: it gathers windows from all virtual desktops, ruining the very purpose of virtual desktops.

When you ask her to add some positive spin to the story when there's no positive spin to be had, you're not an innocent bystander anymore. Nobody's saying the founders are responsible for the damage, they're saying the way the founders treated the victim is deplorable.

Using the race card, social inequalities and acting as if he's just a simple bystander interested in observing these issues. He'd be my employee and behaving like that towards one of my major clients and he'd be fired, even without my client requesting it.

Induce a kind of digital bystander effect: they're essentially defusing moral outrage via social proof. If you read a comment like that, you may think to yourself, "well, this originally seemed like something worth loudly protesting, but if everyone already knows about it, then I guess it must not be that big of a deal."

Even when I would go just one or two stops, it was convenient way to spend the time squeezing in a few games of Flappy Bird without worrying about concentrating too hard on any one game, or being concerned about getting cutoff in any one round by having to leave or dodge a bystander.

Bystander definitions


a nonparticipant spectator