Bruxism in a sentence as a noun

Up to 450 doesn’t seem to do anything for my bruxism.

Compared to what?Do you have an evil twin that doesn't have bruxism?

I can't speak for bruxism link, but mouth breathing is pretty awful.

Also, to add, modafinil gives me bruxism and tension in the jaw.

Does yours with allergies?I ordered some breathe right things for the nose for sleep to try to improve this, hoping it helps with bruxism.

This eliminated my bruxism because now my jaw has a healthy resting state.

Night time bruxism has a high correlation with all sorts of sleep disorders, from apnea to REM-sleep disorders

It sounds awkward, but I can measure how bad my bruxism is by how injured my gums are and it's worked flawlessly - they recovered in a couple of days.

The bruxism practically vanished after I went to the psychologist to treat my anxiety.

Chewing hard stuff will make your jaw muscles stronger, but the reason you most likely have bruxism is due to a habit of chewing and its an automated reflex.

I’ve had promising initial results with hypnotherapy for bruxism, though I need to go a few more night doing hypnosis while tracking bruxism to see.

> Perhaps a muscle tension sensing deviceI gave a muscle tension based anti bruxism device called GrindAlert a serious try perhaps a decade ago, and it didn't help me.

Over time, I believe I actually strengthened my jaw muscles enough to make the bruxism worse, leading to a vicious cycle of needing gum chewing to alleviate the discomfort from constant jaw clenching.

Bruxism definitions


involuntarily or unconsciously clenching or grinding the teeth, typically during sleep