Alleviate in a sentence as a verb

"Better distributed wealth" and "use the Euro" do not alleviate the law and language bariers.

* In many cases, I specifically looked for people looking at a specific problem which what I was building helped to alleviate.

If you want to alleviate poverty, in a more economically reasonable way, do it though universal income.

The problem with most languages is that they require the programmer to worry about both at the same time; however, languages like Erlang alleviate most of these problems, the biggest of which is shared state.

It might apply to some instances, for example india defense budget is about $46 billion, a big portion of it could have been certainly spent to alleviate the living condition of poor Indians in general.

The overwhelming majority of transportation engineers will tell you that taxis alleviate congestion by raising asset utilization.

Information cluttering does nothing to alleviate the opposite problem of information breadth: if Anon the intern's problem is he doesn't know how to Google for libraries or how to make efficient use of documentation, an IDE that presents him with a gazillion of possibly related things won't help him.

Something purely css and really subtle would alleviate that; for instance:* changing the row background color* changing the color of the font for the row* prepending a UL style dot to the LHS of the row* making the bordertop and borderbottom more distinct* underlying or italicizing the words* etc...any of these things would help and I'm totally agnostic to what is done; it would be a quick fix that would really make the thing less prone to human error.

High level summary / notes :* The talk mostly deals with Java the language, not so much the JVM* It's generally a non-technical presentation, looking at the language & adoption trends from the POV of an analyst* It appears primed to address and/or alleviate concerns about the current and future state of Java's adoption in the workplace and open source communityRise, Fall, Rise :* Much of the talk is a bit of a historical overview of the progression and adoption of Java.

Alleviate definitions


provide physical relief, as from pain; "This pill will relieve your headaches"

See also: relieve palliate assuage


make easier; "you could facilitate the process by sharing your knowledge"

See also: facilitate ease