Boule in a sentence as a noun

How does this compare with pulling a silicon boule?

For that price I'm getting an artisan boule that is tossed into a paper bag.

If it's cool enough tonight I'll try an experiment with a cast iron skillet and a small boule.

Do you have an oven - making a boule is very easy and has only 5 minutes of on hand time?

To me this is more like getting your sourdough in a boule vs a baguette than a "stop drinking cold brew" experience.

Experimented with various breads and converged on trying to make a great basic french boule.

All you have to do is take your ingot or boule of FZ or Cz Silicon, draw a vacuum on it, backfill it with hydrogen, and run your ion implantation head over it.

One paper that sticks in my memory is the development of "reduced kerf diamond wire saws": since a "boule" of silicon is more or less a fixed cost, if you can make the cuts between wafers thinner you reduce the amount of waste material and increase the number of wafers produced.

Boule definitions


an inlaid furniture decoration; tortoiseshell and yellow and white metal form scrolls in cabinetwork

See also: boulle buhl