Diamond in a sentence as a noun

"Me: "You know how diamond is just carbon?

"Me: "Well, what do you like about the diamond that the sapphire doesn't give you?

"Her: "Well, I've always pictured a diamond ring.

Sure, diamonds are useless and overdone, but it's expected of him to get you one.

Because of this, industrial diamonds tend to be man-made.

Whereas most people here have commented that the prices of diamonds should decrease, on the contrary, prices have increased.

Most plastic pallets are manufactured with a diamond plate pattern.

So the ones you buy are usually created in a lab, but are more brilliant than a diamond, but actually cost less.

I usually keep a half diamond pick and a torsion wrench in my car, and sometimes I even carry it in my pocket.

One of the fun things was they could add various gases to the manufacturing process to create diamonds of various colors.

There's a common belief amongst those in our area - "the diamond industry has changed more in the last 5 years than it did in the previous 100".

I don't think there has to be merely one single solitary reason for the popularity of diamonds.

Anonymous fields are multiple inheritance in all but name, complete with the "dreaded diamond" problems of C++.

Well, there he has $5 million in "stolen" loot, in a compact package with a comparable weight to value ratio as giant diamonds.

I work at a company that helps companies sell their rough diamonds, so I've seen the seismic shift in the rough diamond market over the last few years.

De Beers started a small campaign that was discrediting man-made diamonds, and it would have gotten a lot worse if GE even tried to enter the market.

But the value of a signal is in its standardization, so to speak, and it just so happens that the diamond is the standard signal in western culture.

He's calling up the movie image of a giant diamond on a pedestal, one that jewel thieves go to great trouble to steal because it's so incredibly valuable.

Even the javascript community seems to tacitly admit that Javascript is a bit of diamond amongst a whole lot of dross; hence CoffeeScript and books like "Javascript: The Good Parts".

By the time you were old enough to consider the possibility that diamond-giving is a dumb and arguably immoral tradition, you'd already spend 15 or 20 or 25 years wanting one.

It's a laser-guided, nuclear-powered gryoscopically stabilized, diamond-tipped screwdriver that can also make coffee and fold your laundry.

Proper Noun Examples for Diamond

Diamond is a wonderful conductor of heat and so if you make your processor on a diamond subtrate you can pull lots of heat out into an attached cooling system.

Diamond definitions


a transparent piece of diamond that has been cut and polished and is valued as a precious gem


very hard native crystalline carbon valued as a gem

See also: adamant


a parallelogram with four equal sides; an oblique-angled equilateral parallelogram

See also: rhombus rhomb


a playing card in the minor suit that has one or more red rhombuses on it; "he led a small diamond"; "diamonds were trumps"


the area of a baseball field that is enclosed by 3 bases and home plate

See also: infield


the baseball playing field