Boogeyman in a sentence as a noun

Yes, the never ending and hard to pin down boogeyman.

I'm seeing "the chinese" & "hacking" used too much together without proof more often than not. Almost as if they are being made into the next boogeyman to be afraid of.

Truly ruinous, truly!How about we drop the boogeyman and drop the anecdotes and start citing some sources?

So we used plugins, really insane separations of concerns, and lots of decoration all to combat that boogeyman.

The boogeyman here is the studio licensing content to Netflix with DRM requirements and distributing DVDs with DRM.

Uh, yeah they're not more PR savvy than I am. The vast majority of people that know about me think more like you do, and only a few mostly Rubyists think of me as some kind of boogeyman, which I also tend to cultivate since it's damn funny.

The more intrusive and visible the TSA is, the more they remind the population that there are terrorists out there trying to **** us. Keeping the population scared of a boogeyman is useful for getting away with all sorts of things, such as domestic spying.

Also, China boogeyman card.> Likewise, his disclosures about spying against allied heads-of-state.

Then they should charge an ETF that will allow them to recoup their costs and not trump up some imaginary "copyright violation" boogeyman that stops me from using my phone as I see fit.

Well, at least people are belatedly realizing this, even if the government had to be the boogeyman that hackers/Facebook/Google/malicious ISPs/Mallory were not.

Refusing to work unpaid hours is just fine, perhaps you will be fired, but it is definitely you're right but no boogeyman is going to come and lock you up for banging out mindless Java code to meet some unrealistic deadline.

Did a Miami father die of a heart attack because he was playing basketball at 45 in 100 degree heat?It's easy and convenient to beat up strawmen and find a sexist boogeyman behind every perceived problem.

Boogeyman definitions


an imaginary monster used to frighten children

See also: bogeyman bugbear bugaboo booger