Bogeyman in a sentence as a noun

National defense is a bogeyman for liberals such as myself.

But this bogeyman of "terrorism, drug dealers" is not acceptable by most people who understand this.

Everyone is terrified of the radiation bogeyman, but I'd bet there were more injuries and deaths as a result of New Horizon.

Terrorists are only a revamp of "drug lord"; it's as if the WoSD could only take the authoritarians so far, so they switched to a new bogeyman.

China has indeed replaced Japan as the bogeyman in our tales of decline, but does not Santayana have something to say about how this tale ends?

It's just harder to sensationalize than the latest middle-eastern bogeyman.

"I'm really getting sick of the manufactured bogeyman of government regulation.

Because of that, I think tomstoke's analysis is unique to sociopaths/psychopaths, and you cannot simply insert any bogeyman.

So much propaganda mileage was squeezed from him that I am sure there is some ambivalence as to whether he's more valuable dead as some ******** "vindication" vs. alive as a perpetual bogeyman.

People need to start accepting that government != country; such people as such being called as "terrorists" or "communists" or other words that were bandied about as the bogeyman of the time are perceived as threats to the government by those most poised to profit from that government.

What makes a "professional company" and why would such a thing have a "responsibility to the public" above and beyond any other company?Goldman may be a bogeyman to a lot of folks, but at least they had the sense to get out of the crazy CDO world as fast as they could.

Bogeyman definitions


an imaginary monster used to frighten children

See also: bugbear bugaboo boogeyman booger