Blood in a sentence as a noun

We pushed the news via automation, blood, sweat, and tears to the people.

It is blood mixed with interstitial fluid from the tip of the finger.

Creative effort - or at at least any that is truly worthy of the name - takes tears, and sweat, and blood.

You donate blood, after which bone marrow cells are irradiated out.

The only thing I would have been able to do yesterday was give blood, and that apparently wasn't needed.

On the **** side, if you are lax on insulin, your blood sugar might hover around 250 for months, and you will feel close to normal.

The results of tests are different for analytes in venous bold and fingerstick blood.

Having a blood glucose this high on a long term basis will have long term effects that are what **** most diabetics in the long run.

I imagine a doctor drilling into my skeleton and using a large needle to suck out the gooey stuff that makes my blood.

My blood boils every time I read it as it is the most disingenuous, calculated, shallow tripe you can trot out when you **** up.

When massive muscle contractions occur involuntarily, the fibers tend to break down and those proteins spill into the blood.

Touch social spending and the cool people will call you a heartless bastard who cackles at the sight of starving widows in between gulps of baby orphan blood.

'"\n\nIt's true that artificial sweeteners have no immediate effect on appetite, blood glucose levels, nor weight gain.

When I started my work at SpaceX, one of the engineers told me to prepare to shed some blood and tears as well as prepare for the most stressful yet rewarding work of your life.

Blood in a sentence as a verb

You get a shot for a few days that kicks up your normal bodily process of bone marrow production into overdrive, to the point where bone marrow cells enter your bloodstream.

They do this by perfusing preservation media through your blood, relying on your body's circulatory system to get the media in all the right places.

You can complain about it, you can legislate about it, you can gnash your teeth and prostrate yourself and offer blood sacrifices to your preferred god, but nothing will change this basic fact.

Instead of behaving like a normal immune system these mutated cells did nothing but fill up my blood stream, inhibiting the growth and transport of normal white blood cells and platelets.

Secrecy of pricing is one of the major problems with Us healthcare.\n4- no one writing any of these articles about her understands that fingerstick blood is not the same as venous blood.

If you're delaying on this point out of some idea of wanting to "try to fix things first" or "not wanting to be the bad guy," you're just shooting yourself in the foot and downing blood thinners to keep the wound from clotting.

Professional researchers often sign agreements in their children's blood stating that their data will be stored on an encrypted disk, won't leave their laptop, and will be destroyed when the research project is completed.

Whether it's because the chemotherapy is ineffective or specific DNA markers or whatever, there are times when the body's natural bone marrow is no longer effective in producing normal blood cells.

You didn't make every shot count, you just fired a barrage of rockets and bullets all towards your enemies.>Halo was "grittier" and less silly than previous shooters had beenYeah, demons from **** with miniguns for arms and blood dripping off their fangs are super silly.

It saved a small number of companies a relatively small amount of money, but was on the net a huge negative for the overall economic because it basically pumped lead directly into the bloodstream of children through their lungs, making them dumber.

As the phaseout was implemented between the 70's to the 90's, culminating in the outright ban of leaded gasoline in the 90's, the blood lead levels in the American population dropped from 16 micrograms per deciliter in 1976 to to 3 micrograms per deciliter in 1991.

That was a little different they filed the TM in the wrong category and I claimed defense of "descriptive use" how else would a blood themed beverage be described?However, the Candy Crush Saga creators are even further behind the 8-ball on the TM "Candy" vis-a-vis video games.

Indeed, a key aspect of copyright is precisely to encourage people to create - to invest the very blood and sweat that it often takes to do something great - in order that society generally will be enhanced and improved as creative works are done, are made available to the world as the creator may decide, and eventually pass into the public domain.

Proper Noun Examples for Blood

Blood is composed of a few different parts -- red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma.

Blood definitions


the fluid (red in vertebrates) that is pumped through the body by the heart and contains plasma, blood cells, and platelets; "blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and carries away waste products"; "the ancients believed that blood was the seat of the emotions"


temperament or disposition; "a person of hot blood"


a dissolute man in fashionable society

See also: rake rakehell profligate roue


the descendants of one individual; "his entire lineage has been warriors"


people viewed as members of a group; "we need more young blood in this organization"


smear with blood, as in a hunting initiation rite, where the face of a person is smeared with the blood of the kill