Bleakness in a sentence as a noun

#333333 has a romantic bleakness to it that I would love to see explored.

But with the bleakness of your post, I felt compelled to point out that it's not been **** for all of us.

It really added a sense of scale, legitimate risk and downright bleakness to the encounter.

This is a great read, though I think the author could have dove a little deeper into the apocalyptic bleakness of 2300AD.

Almost forgot about "The Road" - The movie makes you experience the bleakness of hopelessness.

But both scenarios are fairly likely, and therefore should mediate some of the bleakness of those numbers for the time being.

But the miniseries captured the bleakness of the era, had time to explore more of the detail, and left more things implicit rather than explicit.

But Hobsbawm's bleakness is more specific, it's about the demise of actually existing Communism as a pole of the world order.

I really liked the writing and characters, but found that the bleakness of a future that’s a War of All Against All bummed me out for several days after I finished.

I guess that the bleakness is the point, but I prefer a more optimistic spin on the same thing: the key to happiness isn't a search for meaning, because the universe has none to offer.

I no longer feel tired all the time, or get drowsiness after I eat. 'Going for a hike, or cautiously ingesting a small amount of cannabis has done as more to reinvigorate life and eradicate dismal states of despair and bleakness as I could ever imagine.

> after the startup there is a bleakness to a "normal" lifestyle I could never quite shake off"Running a company would make you perfect for any conceivable job were it not for the fact you'll never want one again.

Most people who do large scale things quickly hit burnout at some point - and then go into bleakness, madness, or meltdown for a while. I don't know of a nicer way to write that, but almost everyone I know and almost everything I've read suggests that if you keep running on overdrive for a long time, you come apart at the seams for a while. I've heard stories about this from mentors and former professors of mine, and always wanted to be above such things.

While I usually keep a tiny violin handy for when I run across writers bemoaning the death of journalism, the bleakness of an Internet full of crappy howto videos busted out for $20 a pop has gotten to me.

In my experience true depression feels exactly like extreme grief: each morning you awake to the shock of loss and the total bleakness of a lack of a personal future, the confusion over what has happened and the anxiety of separation.

Bleakness definitions


a bleak and desolate atmosphere; "the nakedness of the landscape"

See also: desolation bareness nakedness