Bareness in a sentence as a noun

The bareness of the current Google Maps makes it very unsuitable for these functions.

What I especially liked about WysiHat was the complete bareness of the toolbar, just plain HTMl links.

I agree with your parent post about Aldi being depressing in character, but it's not just the bareness and speed, it's the herding.

It's not that I'd use Perl for the task, just that I don't think rsync is special. Indeed, rsync has the overhead of forking a child and communicating empty/'s bareness.

Bareness definitions


a bleak and desolate atmosphere; "the nakedness of the landscape"

See also: bleakness desolation nakedness


the state of being unclothed and exposed (especially of a part of the body)


an extreme lack of furnishings or ornamentation; "I was struck by the starkness of my father's room"

See also: starkness