Blasphemous in a sentence as an adjective

If there is a halo company for which critical comments are seen as blasphemous on HN, at this point it's Google.

"The panel acted as if that were an iconoclastic, even blasphemous thing to say.

An implication that luck had any more than a very minor contribution is blasphemous.

Every public benchmark is a horrible blasphemous lie.

[0] Perhaps blasphemous to mention a cover on a thread about Lou Reed's death, but hey, if it were't for VU, the cover would never have existed.

However, if I praise Richard Dawnkins in my blog and some religious ****** finds that offensive then it should be taken down because it can be deemed as "blasphemous".

If you're used to modern Linux code that copiously uses glib, D-Bus and a whole bunch of other libraries, you'll either find it a huge breath of fresh air, or completely blasphemous.

As blasphemous as it is, the "Explicit versus implicit" edict ends up used as defense for a lot of stuff that I consider pretty severely pedantic...

I wonder whether these same people see the similiarity between themselves and Muslims who want the blasphemous publication of prophets banned.

His actual behavior, though, amounted to little more than being a sex maniac and saying blasphemous things during a much more socially conservative era.

Norwegian newspapers reprinted the famously blasphemous "Mohammad cartoons", for example.

"Norwegian newspapers reprinted the famously blasphemous "Mohammad cartoons", for example.

I don't remember that many people coming to mine and other people's defenses when we suggested the exact same thing a few months back and crypto gurus were rending their hair like we had committed the most stupidly blasphemous act conceivable to modern computer science.

Confucious held that an idea or invention, once emerged, belongs to the whole world rather than the one that came up with it, this may be a contributing factor that China has such an IP issue, though it may be blasphemous, but it is another way to see the world.

Maybe they didn't deserve to get fired over it, but it definitely was not the right venue.> If I want to tell a blasphemous joke, do I have to take into account that someone could feel offended and fear for their safety because this joke could mean that I want to harm religious people?Is that religious person one of very few religious people in a group of non-religious people?

Blasphemous definitions


grossly irreverent toward what is held to be sacred; "blasphemous rites of a witches' Sabbath"; "profane utterances against the Church"; "it is sacrilegious to enter with shoes on"

See also: profane sacrilegious


characterized by profanity or cursing; "foul-mouthed and blasphemous"; "blue language"; "profane words"

See also: blue profane